Support Birthline During San Diego Gives

Help us change the world, one mom at a time!

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Your contribution during San Diego Gives helps mothers like Carmen

San Diego Gives is more than just a fundraising campaign; it’s a testament to the collective spirit of San Diegans coming together to make a difference in our community. With the power of collective efforts, we can address the top concerns facing San Diegans, from affordable housing to mental health and beyond.

Birthline helps pregnant mothers and families with all of these things! From baby clothes and formula, to personalized support in finding a home, a job, or medical care, our case managers take care of each mother that walks through the door.

In case you need another reason to support the cause, when you donate during San Diego Gives, you will be entered into a raffle to win a blanket from Sackcloth and Ashes, valued at $150. There's no better time to give!

To get a more in-depth view of Birthline's life-changing support, read Carmen's story.

Carmen's Success Story

Carmen was living unhappily with an abusive husband and their 13-year-old son when she learned she was pregnant with a second child. Her husband’s alcoholism and emotional abuse took a toll on her and her son. Eventually, she fled home with her son and unborn baby, arriving at a cousin’s home in San Diego to start a new life. All she had was one suitcase and the clothes on their backs. Her local health clinic recommended she visit Birthline.

Birthline’s client managers connected Carmen to essential resources, including affordable housing and divorce assistance. They gave her a Baby Shower gift bag and, more importantly, the motivation and encouragement to start feeling capable and confident. Over two years, Carmen regularly received material goods for her new baby girl, like diapers and clothing, as well as peer-to-peer counseling to guide her journey to self-sufficiency.

Now, three years later, Carmen is living her best life. She found employment as an Outreach Specialist for CalFresh, helping struggling families, including Birthline clients, apply for food stamps. Her children are safe and happy. Her son graduated successfully from middle to high school and is doing well academically. She is eternally grateful for the compassion and resources she received from Birthline.

Birthline sees around 200 women like Carmen each month! Help us provide the hope and support they need, not just to stabilize, but to THRIVE!